Sugary drinks in particular can boost your odds for type 2 diabetes. This can happen because when sugar stays in your blood, your body may react by making less of the hormone insulin, which converts the food you eat into energy.
High Blood Pressure
Salt gets the blame for this condition, also called hypertension, researchers say another white crystal — sugar, is the worrisome culprit. 1 way they believe sugar raises blood pressure is by making your insulin levels spike too high. Making your blood vessels less flexible and cause your kidneys to hold onto water and sodium. Sugary diets are bad for your heart, regardless of how much you weigh.
Liver Disease
Packaged foods, snacks, and drinks are sweetened with fructose, a simple sugar from fruits or veggies like corn. Your liver turns it into fat. If you regularly pump fructose into your body, tiny drops of fat build up in your liver. This is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Early diet changes can reverse it. But over time, swelling and scarring can damage your liver.
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